Fertility Coaching
Receive this FREE guidebook to balance your mind, body and spirit and increase your chances of holding a healthy baby in your arms.

You're in the right place if you are ready to:
Give yourself the best possible chance to welcome a healthy baby into the world by understanding what your mind, body and spirit need
Feel supported to navigate through infertility with more self-compassion
Heal emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually
Reduce stress, anxiety and depression
Connect to yourself to welcome, peace, calm and acceptance into your life
Navigate through grief and the emotional pain that comes with any loss
Go on a journey to self-love by opening your heart and mind
Reconnect with your inner truth and intuition
Understand how your mindset and perspective influence your life
Change the way you think to change the way you feel
Face your fears and overcome your fertility challenges with more ease and grace
Gain clarity to help you move forward and live the best life possible, with our without a baby​
Tailored to what you personally need, a one-month fertility coaching package includes the following:
Fertility coaching
Energy healing
Guided exercises
Guided meditations
Two audio meditations to download for personal use:
PCOS, Infertility and You Meditation
Forgiveness Meditation
Tailored to what you personally need, a two-month fertility coaching package includes the following:
Fertility coaching
Energy healing
Guided exercises
Guided meditations
Four audio meditations to download for personal use:
PCOS, Infertility and You Meditation
Forgiveness Meditation
Removing Limiting Beliefs Meditation
Overcoming Fear Meditation
Two video meditations to download for personal use:
Breathing Meditation
Candle Flame Meditation
Online self-study Meditation and Nature Masterclass
​The online (Zoom) or in person sessions are supportive, gentle and informative. I openly share my insight gained from navigating through secondary infertility, to increase your chances of holding a baby in your arms.
Apply for a Free 30-Minute Consultation to understand how I can support you on your fertility journey.